Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

1.14 A Funeral-Sermon on ligent of his own ; but as regular Love requires, his firft Care was to prepare himfelf for Heaven. In him the Vertues of the Contem- plative and Aftive Life were emi- nently united. His time was fpent in Communion with God, and in Charít to Men. He lived above the fenfible World, and in folitude and .filence convers'd with God. The frequent and ferious Medita- tion of Eternal things was the powerful! means to make his Heart holy and heavenly,and from thence his Converfation. His Life was a practical Sermon , a drawing Ex- ample. There was an Air of Hu- mility and Sanctity in his morti- fied Countenance ; and his De- portment was becoming a Stran- ger upon Earth, and a Citizen of Heaven. Though all Divine Graces, the fruit of the Spirit, were vifible in his Converfation , yet force were more eminent. Hug