Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

M-. Richard Baxter. 15 Humility is to other Graces, as the Morning-Star is to the Sun that goes before it, and follows it in the Evening : Humility pre- pares us for the receivingofGrace, Godgives Grace to the humble : and it follows the Exercife of Grace ; Not I, Pays the Apoille, but the Grace of God in me. In Mr. Bax- ter there was a rare Unionof fub- lime Knowledge, and other fpiri- tual Excellencies, with the lowel opinionof himfelf. Hewrote to one that fent a Letter to him full of Expreffions of Honour and E- fieem, You do admire one you do not know; Knowledge will cure your Error. The more we knowGod, the more reafon we fee to admire him but our knowledge of the Crea- ture difcovers its irperfetions and leans our efleem. To the fame perfon expreflîng his Vene- ration of him for his excellent Gifts and Graces, he replied with 1 2; heat, ,..._. _ .