z 2 A Funeral-Sermon 072 gents were fubfervient to this bleffed End. It was his Meat and Drink, the Life and Joy of his Life to doe good to Souls. His Induflry was almoft incredible in his Studies: he had a fenfitive na- ture defirous of cafe as othershave, and faint Faculties, yet filch was the continual Application of him- felf to his great Work, as if the Labour of one Day had fupplyed ftrength for another, and the wil- lingnefs of the Spirit had fupported the Weaknefs of the Flefh. In his ufual Converfation, his ferious, frequent and delightful! Difcourfe was of Divine things, to inflame his Friends with theLove of Hea- ven. He received with tender Compaffion and condefcending Kindnefs, the meaneft that came to him for Councel and Confola- tion. He gave in one year a hun- dred Pounds to buy Bibles for the poor. He has in his Will difpos'd cif