Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

BOOKS writ by William Bates, D. D. and fold by, B. Aylmer. THE Harmony oftheDivine Attributes, in the Contri- vance andAccomplifhment of Man's Redemption by the Lord .7efus Chrifl : Or Difcourfes, wherein is /hewed, hw the Wifdom, Mercy, uflice, Holinefs, Power, andTruth of God are glorified in that great and ble,j edWork, In Otavo. Confderations of the Exijlence of God, and of the Immortality of the Soxl, with the Recompence of the Future State. To which is added the Divinity of the Chri- flian Religion, proved by the Evi- dence of Rection, and Divine Reve- lation, for the Cure of Infidelity, the Het-lick Evil of the Times. In Oaava. The