Mr. Richard Baxter. that ask him ? The Inference is Prong, not only from the Di- vine Authority of the Speaker, but from the native Peripicuity of the Things : for the Love of an earthly Father is but an Infuton into his Brear from the heavenly Father, andbut a faint refemblance of his Love. The Love of a Mother is more ten- der and endearing than of a Fa- ther : Even a fearful Hen will fly upon Death, to preferve its tender Brood from the Devour- er : Yet the Love of God to his Children far excels it. Can a Woman forget her flicking Child? What Heart, what Marble is in her BreaP fo incompaffionate and unrelenting, as to negleEI her helplefs Infant ? She may, bast, faith God, brillnever forget thee.TheSeraphims,thofe bright and unperilhingFlames, are but faint and cold, in comparifon of