ZZ A Funeral-Sermon on his Counfel and Companion, in giving his Son to be a Sacrifice for us, but to reftore us to his Favour ? The Apoffle reafons ftrongly, Ifwhen we were Ene- mies, we were reconciled to God by the Death of his Son, much more being reconciled, we(hall be faxed by his Life. He has paid our Ranfom, and revers'd the Sentence of Condemnation a- gainft us ; and it invincibly fol- lows, he can more eafïlyacconi- plilh our Happinefs in HeaYen. If Love jufffy a Sinner, it will glorify a Saint. And as the Gift of the Son, fo themolt precious, Gift of the Spirit to God's Children, to make them holy and heavenly, is the tuoft certain fign of his Love to them. The ApoUle in the fulleft expreffion fpeaJ s of it ; God who is rich in Mercy, for his sreeit Love wherewith he