Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

Mr. Richard Baxter. 47 Hands, implies three things. z. Entire Safety. 2. Heavenly Felicity. 3. 'Tis a certain Pledgofthe reviving of the Body, and its reunion with the Soul in the State of Glory. i Entire Safety.AfrerDeath the feparateSoul of a trueBelie- ver immediately paffes through the airy and Ethereal Regions to the highefl Heaven,theTem- ple of God, the nativeSeat and Element of blefl'ed Spirits. The Air is poffefs'd by Satan with his Confederate Army, who are Rebels to God, and Enemies to the Souls of Men : he is filed the Prince of the Power of the Ephef. 9 Air : He often raifes Storms andTempels, difchargesThun- der and Lightning, the woful Effeas of which are felt in the lower World. The Numbers, the Strength, and theMalice of the