stay", Funeral-Sermon on are infinitely inferiour toGod : they are reftrain'd and tortued by the Chains of his powerful juflice : a Legion of them could not enter into the Swine with- out his permiffion, much lefs can they touch the Apple of his Eye. That black Prince with all his infernal Hoff cannot in- tercept one naked Soul from ar- riving at theKingdomofGlory, Our Saviour affures us, None-is John io. able to pluck them out ofhis Fa- ther's Hands. The LordChrift our Head and Leader, having vanquifh'd in his WI Battei on the Crofs, Principalities and Powers, made his triumphant Afcenfion to Glory : Thus his Members having overcome their fpiritual Enemies, [hail by the fame Almighty Power be carried through the Dominions of Satan, in the fight of their E- nemies, (tormentedwith the re- membrance