Mr. Richard Baxter. differencewill bebetween them in the next World ! The Bodies of the Ungodly, inconjunaion with their Souls, Mall be calf into the Lake of Fire ; the Bo- dies of the Godly refuted by their Souls, (hall enjoy a full and flourithing Happinefs for ever. The ,Application. z. Thismay inform us of the contrary States into which dy- ingPerfons immediately pats The Children of God refign their Spirits to the Hands of their gracious Heavenly Father, but Rebels and Strangers to God, fall into theHands ofa re- venging Judg. Could we fee the attending Spirits that fur- round fick Perfons in their laft Hours, what a wonderful Im- preilìon would it make upon us? AGuard ofgloriousAngels convey