A FuneralSimon on convey the departed Saints to the Bofomof God's Love, and heKingdomof his Glory. But when theWicked die, a Legion of Furies fleze upon their ex- peaedPrey, and hurry them to the infernal Prifonfrcfnwhence there is no redemption. Howmany Rebels and open Enemies to God are in the Pale ofthe ChriiianChurch? They will loudly repeat., Our Father which art ids Weavers, notwith- flanding the impudent and pal- pable Atheifm of their Lives ; they live as if they were inde- pendent, and not accountable to him who will judg the World widow re f ec1 of .derfons. The more :aria his Commands are, tcha contempt of them is more rble. Our Saviour's Prohibi- tion is peremptory, I fay unto fir, Smear not at all: but how many make no more confcience of