Hr. Richard Baxter. notwithianding their violent Provocations, has fpar'd them fo long. They have rejeaed that infinitely condefcending and cómpaífionateLove, that fo tenderly befeech'd them to be reconciled to God, as if it were his Intereft to fave them. Whi- ther will they fly from their judg ? What can refcue them from infant and irrecoverable Mifery ? Can they hope that Mercy will be their Advocate? Their Condemnation is fo righ- teous, that Mercy cannot dif- penfe with it. 'Th. a fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the living God, who lives for ever, and can punilh for ever. Who knows the Power of his Wrath? 'Tisboundlefs beyond all our Thoughts and Time. take notice of this with Terror, all ye that forget God, he tear , , riaa, you in pieces, and therebe none ko deliver r Others