64 A Funeral-Sermon on . to the eternal Inheritance; Fear Luke 12. not, little Flock,'tisyour Father's good Pleafure to give you the Kingdom. This Inquiry is very ufeful to calm and quiet the troubled Saints, and to awaken unregenerate Perfons out of their confident Dream of their good State. Many fincere Chri- lEians are infinitely concern'd- whether they are the Children' of God ; of this their Tearsand Fears give abundant evidence. The reafons of their Doubts are partly the Jealoufy of their own Hearts, which are naturally de- ceitful above all things, and moil deceitful to a Man's fell.; and partly from the confequence of the Deceit : for knowing the inefiimable value of this Privi- lege, to be the Sons of God, and that if they are deceived in it, they are undone for ever, they are anxioufly thoughtful about it