Mr. Richard Baxter. to add Lulre and Value to it. I (hall not fpeak of his Paren- tage, and his fir.ft Years : but I muff not omit a Teftimony I re- ceiv'd concerning his early Piety. His Father Paid with Tears of Joy to a Friend, my Son Richard I hope was fan&ified from the Womb : for when he was. a little Boy in Coats, if he heard other Children in play fpeak profane Words, he would reprove them to the Wonder of thole that heard him. He had not the Advantage of Academical Education : but by the Divine Bleffing upon his rare Dexterity and Diligence, his Sa cred- Knowledge teas in that De- gree of Eminence, as few in the Univerfity ever arrive to. Not long after. his Entrance into the Minif'ry the Civil War .began, and the, Times rain'd Blow. fo CT 4 long.