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92 9Zpc parmoripof tieZíbíne2itt ibuto, Chap. 17. ineffe&ual to reclaim the World, He was pleated to L---f-) change his method. 'Theynegle&ed Him appearing in his Majefly, and he now comes cloathed with Infer_ mities: And lince by natural light they would not fee God the Creator, He is imperceptible to the light of Nature as Redeemer: The difcovery of Him depends on revelation. The Wifdom of God in making the World is evident to every Eye, but the Gofpel is cor. 2, 7, Wifdonz in a My/lery. The Deity was confpicuous in the Creation, but conceal'd under a vail of Flefh when he wrought our Redemption. He was more eafily difcover'd when invifble, than when vifible He created the World by Fewer, but reftor d it by Sufferings. 2. Ti hat the Honour of all might folely redound to Cor. e. hit" 7d bath chofen the foolifa things ofthe World 27, 28, 29. __ ;1 txrzc'the wife g and theweak things ofthe World to confound the things that are mighty, and bat things of the world, and things which are defpfed God bath chofen 5 yea, and things that are not, to bring tonought things that are, that nofefafaouldglory in his prefence. Thus Mar's, the Redeemer of Ifrael, was an Infant expofed to the mercy of the Waters, drawn forth from an Ark. of Bull ruffles, and not employed whileft he lived in the fplendour of the Court, but whenBanifht as a Criminal, and depriv'd of all power. And our Redeemer took not on him the Nature of Angels, Non ei ma- equal to Satan in power, but took part offleta and gettate naturæ blood the more lignally to triumph over that proud fuæ,fed habitu ' noflræcongre. Spirit in the HumaneNature which was inferiour to his, diens, & n1h11 and had been vanquilht by him inParadife. Therefore ei °ens violenro domi- he did not immediately exercifeOmnipotent power to nary, fcdfu- deftroy him, but manag'd our weaknefs and infirmity perans lege to foil the roaring Lyon. He did not enter into the aáftit,, Pak, Combat in the gloryof his Deity, but difguis'd under the