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Chap. VI. fpent his Sweat, his Tears, his BIood? The rich price he laid downdothmoll powerfully convince us, That our Felicity is infinitely more valuable than all earth- ly things, and can be no lets than the fruitionofGod himfelf. Thus the Divine Wifdom hàth fo ordered the way of our Salvation, that as Mercy and Juílice in God, fo Holinefs and Comfort may be perfeéllyunited in the reafonable Creature. CHAP. VI. Practical Inferences. A fisperlative degree ofPraif and Thantfislnefs due to Godfor the revelationofthe Gof pel. 'Tis not difeovered by the Creation. 'Tis above the reach of Natural Reafon. The HeathenWorld is in- tirely ignorant ofit. 'Tis pure Grace that diflin- guifhes one Nation from another, in fending the Gofpel. Evangelical Knowledge deferves our moll ferions finely. The Gofpel exceeds all contemplative and pra&ick Sciences. Contemplative in the great- nefs of its obje&, and the certainty ofits principle. Pra&lick in theexcellency of its End, and the efficacy of the Means. Hat a snperlative degreeofPraife andThank- fulnefs is due to God, for revealinghis eter- nal and compaffionate Counfel in order to our Salva- tion? The Fall of Manwas fo wounding and deadly, that only an infiszite Underílanding could find out the means for his Recovery. And if that Mercy which tnov'd the Lord to ordain the Remedy, had not dif- cover'd it, a thick cloud of Defpair had cover'd Man- kind, being for ever unable to conceive the wayof our Cor. 9. Iedemption. 'Tis a Mystery which eye bath notfeen, nor