Bates - BT775 B274 1675

o8 rmepartnonpofMc Zíbüne ííttbuïf , Chap. VI dead revive; that Mercy fhould triumph without any difparagement to Jufhíce : there are Miracles that tran- fcend all that is done in Nature. And this appears by the judgment of God himfelf, who belt knows the excellency of his own works. For whereas upon the finifhing the firft Creation, he ordain'd the Seventh Day, that reafonable Creatures might more folemnly afcribe to him the Glory of his Attributes, which are vifible in the things that are made; he bath upon the compleating our Redemption, by the riling of Chrifl from the Dead, made the Firfl-Day Sacred for his Ser- vice and Praife, there being the cleareft illuftration of his Perfe&ions in that Bleflèd Work. God is more pleafed in thecontemplationof thenewWorld, thanof the old. The latter by its extraordinary Magnificence hath leffen'd the dignity of the former, as the greater Light obfcures the lefs. Therefore the Sabbath is changed into the Lords-Day. And what a jolt reproach is it to Man that he fhould be inobfervant and unaf- fe ted with thisglorious Mercy, wherein hemay always r141.92. s, 6. find new caufe of Admiration? O Lord, how great are thy Works ! and thy Thoughts how deep ! A brutifb man knoweth not, neither doth afool underftand this. The admiring ofany other thing in comparifon of this Myflery, is the efe& oflnconlideration, or Infidelity. 2. It produces the molt fincere and lafling pleafure. As the tafte is to meat, to allure us to feed for the fup- port of our bodies; that is delight to Knowledge, to excite the mind to Peek after it. But its vaft capacity can never be fatisfied with the knowledge of' inferiour things.. The pleafure is more in the acquifition, than in the poffeffionof it. For the mind is diverted inthe fearch, but having attained to that knowledge which cannot fill the rational appetite, 'tis difgufted with the fruits of its travel,, and leeks Tome other object to re- lieve