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4 e pannotyoftIeZí1 üie (tttibutef, Chap. I. beginning : By this we may in part conje6 ure at the t '-1rs.j Beautyof Holtnefs in him, of which one faint ray ap- pearing in renewed perlons is fo amiable. This primitive Beauty is expreft in Scripture by rectitude : God made Alan upright. There was an univerfal entire rectitude itx his Faculties, difpofing them for their proper Operati- ons. Thiswill morefully appear by confìderingthedi- ftinct powersof theSoul,in their regular Conflitutions. i. The underftandingwas iarich'd with knowledge. Naturewas unveiled toAdam, he enter'd into its San ctuary, and difcover'd its myferions Operations. When. Gen. Z. 19. the Creaturescame topay their Homage tohim, whatfo- ever he called them, that was the name thereof And their Names expreft their Natures. His Knowledge reach'd through the whole compafs of the Creation, from the Sun theglorious veffel ofLight, to the Glo- worm that fhines inthe hedg. And this knowledgewas notacquir'd by Study, 'twas not the fruit ofanxious in- quiry, but as the illuminationof the Air is inan inftant by the light of theMorning, fo his Underftanding was enlightned by a pure beam from the Father ofLights. Befides, He had fucha knowledge of the. Deity, as was fizfficient for his Duty and Felicity. His mind did not flick in thematerial partof things,but afcended by the feveral ranks of Beings to the Univerfal Cauf. He difcover'd the Gloryof the Divine E/fence and Attri- butes by their wonderful ef'eeis: i. Almighty Power. When he firft open'dhis eyes, the ftupendous Fabrickof Heaven andEarthprefented it felftohis view, and in it the molt exprels and clear characters ofthat Glorious Power which produced it. For what could overcome the Infinite diftance be- tween not being andbeing,but infinite Power ? As there is noproportion between not being And being, fo the eanfe whichunites thofe terms, mutt be without limits. Now