fri Coniaíttg cDetnpíion. Y 2 veigh the knowledge of Divine My(teries to them. Ch. VII. They prefum'd by the light and (treugth of their own ,,r-`-s.) reafon and vertue to acquire felicity, and flighted the Do&rine thatcame fromHeaven,to difcover a clear way thither, and divinegrace that was necefFary to lead and aflift them. Therefore thedlpoffle,by wayofupbraiding, enquires, Where is the wife man ? Where is thescribe ? I COI. I. I9. Where is the Difputerof this world? God hathmade the 2 °' wifdomof the world foolifhnefs. As thofe whoare really poor,and would appear rich in thepompof their Habits and Attendants, aremadepoorer by that expence; fo the Philofopherswho weredeftitute of true Wifdom, and would appear wife in making Reafon the Judge ofDi- vine Revelation, and the Taft refolution of all things, by that falle affe&ation of Wifdom, became more foolifh : By all their Difputes againft the appearing ab- furdities of theChriftian Religion, theywere brought into a more learned Darknefs. 3. The prejudices which arofe from senfisal Lufts hindered the Belief of the Gofpel. As the carnal Un- derftandingrebels againft the fublimity ofits Do&rive, fo the carnal Appetite againft the purity of its Pre- cepts. And according to the Difpofitions of Men from whence they a&, fuch light they delire to dire& them in a&ing. The Gofpel is a Iktyffery of Godlinef, and thofe who are tinder the love of Sin, cherifh an affe&- ed Ignorance, left the Light fhould inflame Con- fcience, by reprefenting to them the deadlyguilt that cleaves to Sin, and thereby make it uneafie. This ac- count our Saviour gives ofthe Infidelity of the world, That men love darknefs rather than light, becae their John 3. s9. deeds are evil. And that this was the real caufe, what ever was pretended, is clear, in that the Gentiles who oppofed Chrift, adored thofe impure Deities, whole infamous Lufts were acknowledged by them. And R with