inContriMM11g it 33 be real. Nova the Do&lrine ofthe Goffiel is as certain Ch. VII. as the Law, and infinitely more comfortable than all the Inventions of Men. 'Tis in the knowledg of it alone that the fenfible and confidering Soul enjoys per- feél Satisfa&ion and the moil compofed Refl. 'Tise- vident that the Underílanding doth not behold there Truths in their proper light, when the Will doth not, embrace them. For the rational Appetite fol- lows the lafl judgment of the Mind. When the .flpoflle had a powerful Conviction of The Excellency Phil. 3. ofthe Knowledge of Chrifl, this made him fo earneft to gain an interefl in Him. For this reafon, thofe who are only Chriiians in Title, Having a form of Godlinefs and denying the power of it, are in Scrip- ture-language ftiled Infidels : It being impof ible that thofe who truly and heartily believe this great My- fiery of Godlinefs, Ihould remain ungodly. 'Tis a thong and effectual .Affect that defcends from the Brain to the Heart and Life, that denominates us true Believers: So that when the Death of Chrifl is pro- pounded as the caute of our Reconciliation with God, the wonder of the Myflery cloth not make it incredible; when as the reafon of the Mortification of our Lillis , the Pleafures of Sin do not difguife its horrour: When Salvation is offer'd upon our accept- ing of Chrifl for our Prince and Saviour, the Soul is ravifht with its Beauty, and choofes it foran everla- fling portion. To conclude, The Doecrine of the Gofpel clearly difcovers its Divine Original : 'Tis fo reafonable in itfelf, and profitable to us, fo fublime and elevated above Man, yet hath fuch an admirable agreement with Natural Truths, 'tis fo perfectly correfponding in all its parts; that without affected Obftinancy no man