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in COatribíttg 11.1; an'I3.ebtmption 135 Ch. VIII. CHAP. VIII. The Mercy of God is reprefented with peculiar advanta- ges abovethe other Attributes. 'Tis eminently glori- fied in our Redemption in refpet1 of its freenefs and greatnef . Thefreenefs ofit amplifiedfrom the con(Ide- ration ofthe original and obje l of it. God isperf lly happy in Himfelf, and needs not the Creature to pre ferve orheightenhis felicity. Theglorious reward con- ferredupon our saviour Both notprejudice the freenefs ofhis love to Man. Therewas no tie upon God to `.eve Man. The Objeel ofMercy is Man in his lapfedflate. 'Tis illufrated by the confideration of what he is in himfelf. No motives oflove are in him. He is a rebel impotent and obflinate. Thefreenefs ofmercyfitforth by comparing him with the fallen Angels who are left in perfeEt irremediable mifiry. Theirfirfl fate, fall, and punifhment. The Reafons why the Wifdom of God made noprowtonfor their recovery. Houghall the Divine Attributesare equal as they are in God, (for one Infinite cannot exceed ano-. ther) yet in their exercife and effe&s, they thine with a different glory. And Mercy is reprefented in Scrip- ture with peculiar advantages above the refl. 'Tis God's natural ofl-fpring, he is (tiled the Father ofMer- 2 Cor. 1.5. ties. 'Tis his dear Attribute, that which he places next to himfelf, He is proclaim'd the Lord God Graci- Exod.34.6. our andmerciful. 'Tis his delight, Mercypleafes him. Mich. 7. is. 'Tis his Treafure, he is rich in Mercy. 'Tis his trium- Ephef. 2.4. phant Attribute, and the fpecial matter ofhis Glory, Mercy rejoyces over judgment. Now in the perfor- am. 2.13. mance ofour Redemption, Mercy is the predominant Attribute, that fees all the ref( a working. The a&s of