1 136 e tonnßtWY Oft it Mint2ittttbttt , C. VIII. of his Wifdom, Juftice, andPower were inorder to the illuftration of his Mercy. And ifwe dulyconfider that Glorious Work, we (hall find in it all the ingredients of the moft fovereignMercy. In difcourfingof it, I [hall principally confider two things wherein this Attri- bute is eminently glorified, the Freenefs, and the Great- nefs of it. The Freenefs of this Mercy will appear by confidering the original, and obje& of it. z. The Original is God : and thenotion of a Deity includes infinite perfeffions, fo that it neceffarily fol- lows that he hath no need ofthecreatures fervice to Job 7 preferve or heighten his felicity. If thou be righteous, what given thou him ? or what receiveth he of thine hand? FromEternity he waswithout external honour, yet in that infiniteduration hewas perfe&ly joyful and happy. He is theFountain of his own Bleffednefs, the Theatreof his ownGlory, theGlafsof hisown Beauty. One drop encreafes the Ocean, but toGod a Million of Worlds can add nothing. Every thing bathfo much of Goodnefs as it derives from him. As there was no gain tohim by the Creation, fo there can be no lofs by the annihilationof all things. TheWorld proceeded from his Wifdom as the Idea and Exemplar, and from his Power as the efficient caufe; and it fo proceeds from him, as to remain more perfectly in him. And as the pofieflionof all things, and theobedienceofAngels and Men is of no advantageto God e fo the oppofition of impenitent Rebels cannot leffen his Bleffednefs. If job 3i.6. thoufnnei, what dofi thou againfì him ? or, if thy tranfgrelfìons be multiplied,anhat dolt thou unto him? The Sun Puffers no lofs ofhis light by the darknefs of thenight, or anEclipfe, but the World lofes its day If intelligent Beings do not efteem him for his Great- nefs, and love him for his Goodnefs, 'tis no injury to him, but their own infelicity. Were it for his intereft, he