fit Conivibfrig tlebtintion; r 37 he could by one a& of Powerconquer the obftinacyofCh. VIII. his fiercefl Enemies.. Ifhe require fubje&ion from his s Creatures, 'tis not that he may be happy but liberal, that his Goodnefs may take its rife to reward them. Now this is the fpecial commendation of Divine Love, it doth not arife out of indigency as Created Love, but out of fulnefs and redundancy. Our Saviour tells us there isnone good but God : not only in refpec`t of Mat. r9,. ,7' the perfe &ion ofthat Attribute, as it is in God in a tranf'cendent manner,but as to the effectsofhis goodnefs, which are meerly for the benefit of the receiver. He is only rich in Mercy, towhom nothing iswanting, or profitable. The molt liberal Monarch doth not always give, for he ftauds inneed of his Subje&s. Andwhere there is anexpe&ation of Servicefor the fupport ofthe giver, atis traffick and no gift. Humane affe&ion is begotten, andnourifht by fomething without, but the Love of God isfrom within : the mifery of the Crea- ture is the occafion, but the caufe ofit is from himfelf. And how free was that Love, that caus'd the infinite- ly bleffed God to do fo much for our recovery, as if his felicity_were imperfe&without ours ! It doth not prejudice the freenefs ofredeeming Mer- cy, that Chritt's perfonal Glory was the reward of his Sufferings. J. 'Tis true, that our Redeemer for the Joy that ueb.12. so was fit beforehim, endured the Groff, depifng the fhame, and if let doren at the right handof the throne ofGod: But he was not firít drawn to the undertaking of that hard fervice by the interett ofthe reward. For ifwe confider him in his Divine Nature, he was the fecond Perfon in the Trinity, equal to the firft, he poffeft all the Supreme Excellencies of the Deity; and by affum- ing our Nature, the only gain he purchas'd to himfelf was to be capable of lofs for the accomplithing our T Salva