140 1Z4z , Oannonp .of tlyZíbíne Zatíbntec Ch, VIII. nocent Creatures, much more to thofe who are obno xious to jufrice : the firfr was free, but this is merciful.. And this heads to thefecondconfideration, which exalts redeemingLove. The object of it is Man in his lapfed frate. In this refpe& it excels the goodnefs that prevented himat the, beginning. In the Creation as there was no object to invite, fo nothing repugnant to mans being and happi- nefs : the dufr of the Earth did not merit fuch an ex- cellent condition as it received from the pure bounty of God, but there was no moral unworthinefs. But the Grace of the Gofpel hath a different obje&, the wretched and unworthy, and it produces different operations, 'tis healing and medicinal, ranfoming.and delivering , and hath a peculiar chara&er among the. Divine Attributes. 'Tis goodnefs that crowns the Angels, but 'tis Mercy, the San&nary of the guilty, and refuge of themiferable that Eaves Man. TheScri- pture hath confeçrated the name of Grace in a fpecial manner , to fignife the moll excellent and admirable favour ofGod in recovering us from our jufrly deferv'd Rom. 3, 4 m,ifery.. We arejuflifiedfreely by his Grace: By Grace Eph. 2. s we are faved : Grace and Troth is come by.7efus Chrifi: Joh. .,' 'tis the Graceof God that brings salvation. And this áit.s,t[. is glorioufly manifef}ed towards Man in that, t..con- fidered inhimfelf he is altogether unworthyofit.. 2. As compared with the fallen Angels, who are left under perfect irremediable Mifery. Firfi, Manconfidered inhimfelf is unworthyof the Favour ofGod. The ufual Motives of Love are, T. The Goodnefs of things or perlons. This is the proper allellive of the Rational Appetite: There is fuch aravithing Beauty in it, that it powerfully calls forth Affection. When there is an union of amiable qualities in a Perfon, every one findsau attractive. a. A