4® matiepafUanpof íße ZtbfUe Ifttictbute0, Chap. IX. soling! fpeaks of the feveral kinds of Serpents in Afri- l..e-V j ca, cuantos nominum- tantos mortium numerus) exer- mat. 6. 24. cite a tyranny over him. And if no man canferve two Mailers, as the Oracle of Truth tells us, how wretched is the flavery of Man, whole pallions are fo oppofite, that in obeying one, he cannot efcape the lathof many imperious Matters ? He is poflèft with a Legion of impure lufts. And as the Demoniack in theGofpel was fometimes cart into the fire, and fometimes into the water; fo is he hurried by the fury of contrary paf- fions. This fervitude to fin is in alb refpe&s compleat. For thole who ferve are either born fervants, orbought with a price, or made captives by force : and fin hath tfal. 5r. all thefe kinds of title to man. He is conceived and Rom. q. born in fn: he is foldunderfn : and fells himfelf todo gra. 28.15. evil. As that whichis folic' paffes into the poffeffion of thebuyer, fo the Cnner exchanging himfelf for the pleafures of fin, is under its power. Original fin took poffeffion of our nature,andAétual of our lives. He is 2 Pet. 2. 19. the fervant of corruption by yielding to it :for ofwhom a man is overcome, of the fame he is brought in bon- dage. The condition of the molt wretched bondflave is more fweet and lets fervile than that ofa (inner. For Slaves are cal. the fevereft tyranny is exercifed only upon the body, led?Glhce7a, the foul remains free in the mídit of chains; but the Bodies, Rev B. r3. power of fin oppreffes the Soul, the moil noble part, and defaces the bright character of the Deity that was ftampt upon its vifage. The worft flavery is termina- lob3.1809. r ted with this prefent life. In the grave the Prifoners refi together, they hear not the voice of the Oppreffor. The fmall and thegreat are there, and theServant is free from his Mafler. But there is no exemption from this fervitude by death, it extends its felf to Eternity. a. Man Pince his fall is under the tyranny of Sa- tan, who is call'd theGod of this World, and is more abfojute