in Contfibmfl N; bemption: 15 abfolutethan all temporal Princes, his dominion being Chap. IX. over the will. He overcame man in Paradife, and by -N.j: the right of War rules over him. The foul is kept in his bondage by fubtile Chains, of which the fpiritual nature is capable. The underflanding is captivated by ignorance and errors; the will by inordinate and dan- gerous lulls ; thememory by the images of finful plea- lures, thofe mortal vifionswhich inchant the foul, and make it not defirous of liberty. Never did cruel Pi- rate fo incompaffionately urge his Slaves to ply their Oares in charging, or flying from an enemy, as Satan incites thofe who are his captives to do his will. And 2 Tim. 2 25. can there be a more afiEting calamity, than to be the flave of ones enemy, efpecially if bate and cruel ? This is the condition of man, he is a captive to the Devil, who was a Liar and a Murderer from the be- ginning. He is under the rage of that bloody Tyrant, whole ambition was to render Man as miferable, as him- Pelf, who in triumph upbraids him for his folly, and adds derilon to his Cruelty. 3. Fallen Man is under the Curie and Terrors ofthe Law. For beingguilty, he is jufllyexpofed to the pu- nifhment threatened againft tranfgreflòrs, without the allowance of repentance to obtain pardon. And Con- fcience, which is the Eecho of theLaw in his bofom, repeats thedreadful fentence. This isan Accufer which none canfilence, a Judge that none can decline : and fromhence it is that Men all their life arefubjec to bon- Heb' aò dage, beingobnoxious to thewrathofGod, which the awakenedConfcience fearfully Pets before them. This complicated Servitudeof a Sinner, the Scripture reprefents under great variety of similitudes, that the defec`s ofone may be füpplied by another. Every Sinner is a servant, now a Servant by flight may reco- J°h 8.'34. ver this Liberty : Butthe Sinner is a Captive in Chains : 2 Tia,.2 cite A.