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164 TDt. DanuonpOftpeZit íne 2fttribute5, Chap. IX. voluntary fubmiffion to it. 7wo Circumftances make Y--N, the kind of Death which is to be fuffered, very terri- ble to us, Ignominy and Torment; and they eminently concur in the Death of the Crofs. a. The greateft Ignominy attended it, and that in the account of God and Men. As honour is in hono- rante, and depends upon the ef}eemof others; fo infa- my confifís in the judgment of others. Now in the ac- count of the World every Death infli&ed for a Crime is attendedwith difgrace : But that receives its degrees from the manner of it. To be executed privately is a favour, but to be made a fpe&acle to the multitude, encreafes the difhonour of one that fullers. When Death is fpeedily infli&cd, the fence of fhame is pre- fently paíf 5 but to be expofed to publick view for ma- ny Hours, as a Malefa&or, whil(f the Beholders deteft the Crime, and abhor the Punifhment, is an heavy ag- gravation of it. Beheading, which is fuddenly dif: patcht by a Sword, a military Inftrument, and there- fore more honourable, was a Priviledg : But to hang on the Crofs, was the molt confpicuous mark of the publick Juftice and Difpleafure: a fpecial Infamy was concomitant with it. Among the Yews hanging on a Treewas branded with the Curfe : Therefore God com- manded that thebodies of thole that were hanged on a amt. 21. 23. tree, fhould be taken down in the Evening, that the Land might not be defiled with a Cur /. And the judgment of Pone o unvjc. other Nations was anfwerable.__for it was only in- sat, 6. fli &ed on the molt amous Offenders, as Fugitives , Liberi Homi- Slaves, Thieves, andTraitors, fuch whom the lownefs of atesaut Ci- their Quality, or the height of their Crimes rendred ves Romani hoc fupplicio unworthy of any refpe&. Hence 'tis, that Cicero to affici nifpo- aggravate theCruelty ofVerres in crucifying a Roman vi pcenæ fieret: Facinns eft vincire Romanum Civem, Scelus eft verberare, props Parri eidium necare,, quid dicam in Crucero tollere? Verbo quidem fatis dignataw nefaria res appellari nullo modo potcft. Citi-