Bates - BT775 B274 1675

iftpamv41 ;' 0`tuAit7x4**, '"' Cha. iX ÿifLlaIZj ítnale of I,Divine Love îorn.s . we have the most No, The .S-crílatzvle re referts the Love of Co in in and t11 Love of Chri,rt in giving tiírnfelf io die for Kan, And both require our deepeït tom fiatration. The Ezllo- exreft filch an excefs of Love, tllal otir .S"er.viou hímfeCf freaks of it with mini irattom: JoIz.3. 16, roved the ryar'Zd, Ihat Ho, gave 1zif lrEyalten S`oz, îlre:c rrhfoerze?r' 7leliffre.r on Xinz,/h'ou zzot iaerzfz le lave er. Gei.22.12 erl,4" Lfe. If ?brralzans t^efolutioii to offer his fon ,wits intñe Jtulgnlent of God a convincing Evidetlee of his Áffe- A ction how much more, is the actcuzZ fAcrífieing of Chr fi the ìrnneft proof of Gods Love to us? For God lead a hí. flier Title to I"fea.c 'than lhzhalzz had: The Either of Spirits bath a nearer ta it the fathers Of the £le.11l, llrrabarnrJ readinePs to offer up fon was abeclie116e to a command. J' not lris own clioice;'twas rather an a of Justice, than Love,Try which he retlä.et''d to God what was his own. But .',>d ,5:yaared zzat 7zrs awn_ tS`arz- 111 who pttt 116 heel c21l Eie- rnal Right: And Tfe was flot only fne From Oblí71tioix but 11pfi filed for ai11.1' urc2Zvc1ttU11 111 that wotic7erfua vvay. Yv11 LOVe of t!7,e1i, o1° al tlts rlloft e11.4r- trl2le SjJii'it' in ifeavell colijel. have coneeiVl?U.glîfÌt tlaoaiaht, ,fhal Ihe S`o11 of do(l. fjlould die for our 1l had been an Blaf7lhd.tvy to laftve rl.egirea ; Christ is tile Inuit alafoltite ft of áDCt fo us. efídes- The love of ,.azc7ia/Z- fo be lneafurecl 73 -the reazzla fut. 111z4i,i excil'e i}; Far aetai2ii, to tle allii4la2elaefs fu o1,'ect îo -mud) grea.}e7^ is fha toue that sits if. d2t1 í'11c1Qa1'Lt}$' CLrurzmÇfairreé8 aa.e joy of his flier,, yet The best 11e: uk2s an -imperfect ora i crea- #irej that lout a 111aclerale At'eCio we, retl2srîy due to 111111. Whereas our Re (leetller wfls 11 et a.- ¡ lilaer