Bates - BT775 B274 1675

JI 70 Vje parmattpof fix tttiUuteV, Chap. andgave himfelffor us: Ifhe had only interpofed as an tdv Advocate to (peak for us, or only had a&ed for our recovery, his Love had been admirable ; but he fuf- tuu; me tan- um& femcl y fered for us. He is not on our Mediator , but Re- dicendo fecir, deemer; not only Redeemer, but Ranfom. in rcficiendo 'Twas excellent goodnefs in David, when he faw dixit multa, s; tr get miw, the deftru&ion of his People, to offer Himfelfand Fa- & pertulit in mil as a Sacrifice to avert the Wrath of God from d;gn Bern, them. But his pride was the caute of the Judgment, 2 Sam. a¢ 17. whereas our Redeemer was perfectly innocent. Da- vid interceeded for his Subje&s, Chrift for his Ene- mies. He receiv'd the Arrows ofthe Almighty into his Via 53 4+5 Breaft to fhelter us. He bore ourgriefs, and carried our f rróws, he was wounded for our tranfreffions, he was bruifedfir our iniquities, the chaftifement ofour peace was uponhim, andwith hisflripes weare healed. Among theRomans theDefpotickpower was fo terrible, that if a llave had attempted upon the Life ofhis Matter, all the refit had beencrucified with the guilty perfon. But our gracious Matter dyed for his !laves who had con- fpir'd againít him. He lhed his Blood for thole who . fpilt it. And the readinefs of our Lord to fave us, though by the Iharpeft fufferings, magnifies his Love. When the richeft Sacrifices under the Law were infufficient to take away fin, and no lower price than the blood of God could obtain our pardon, upon his entring into theWorld to execute that wonderful Commifiionwhich, coft him his Life, with what ardour of affe&ion did tïzb.te 5,6,7. he undertake it ! Lo I come io do thy will, o God, When Peter from carnal affe&ion looking withamore tender eye on his Matters life than our Redemption, de- precated his fufferings, MaflerPare thy felt; he whowas incarnate goodnefs, and never quench'd the fmoaking Mat>16. 23.. flax, expref es the fame indignation.againit him,Get thee behind