,; 2 í)e Immorip tOe tDítlíne ZttautTz, Chap. X. L./Yu C H A P. X. Divine Mercyhmagnified in the excellency of theflan - to which Man h advanced. He IS inricht with higher Prerogatives, under a betterCovenant, entitled toa' moreglorious Reward than Adam atfly. enjoyed. The- Humane Nature is perfonally united to the Son of God. Believersare fpirituálly united to Chrifr. The Gofpel it a better Covenant than that of the Law. It admits of Repentance and Reconciliation after Sin. it accepts of Sincerity inflead of Perfabon. It affords fupernatural Ajfianceto Believers, where- by they (hall be villorious Over all oppofition in their way to Heaven. The difference between the Grace ofthe Creator and that of the Redeemer. Thefia- bility of the New-Covenant is built on the Love of God which h unchangeable, and the Operations ofhis Spirit that are effectual. Themutability andweaknefs ofthe Humane Will, and thefirèngth ofTemptationr (hall notfrufirate the niercifùl Deign ofGod in regard ofhis Elea. The glorious Reward ofthe Gofpel ex- ceeds the Primitive Felicity ofAdam, in the place of it, the highefl Heaven. Adam's life was attended with innocent Infirmities, from which the glorified' Life is entirely exempt. The Felicity of Heaven ex- ceeds the fire, in the manner, degrees, and continu- ance of thefruition.. THE Third Conlderationwhich makes the Love of God fo admirable to lapfed Man, is, the ex- cellency of that 'late to which he is advanc'dby the Re- deemer. To be only exempted from Death is a great favour : The grace of a Prince is eminent in releafing a: condemned Perfon from.the punilhment of the. Law.. This,