t7. Chap. X ward, than was due to Man by theLaw of his Crea- 1 Lion. Fire, The Humane Nature is railed to an higher degree of Honour, than if Man had continued in his Innocent (fate. r. By its intimate Vnion with the Son of God. He affùm'd it as the fit Inlcrument of our Redemption, and preferr'd it before the Angelical, which furpaff Man's in his Primitive State. The Fulnef of the God-head Col 2 4' dwells in our Redeemer bodily. From hence it is, that the Angels defcended to pay Him homage at his Birth, and attended his Majeffy in his difguife. The Son of Manhat thofe Titles which are above the Dignity of any meer Creature; He is King of the Church, and Judge of the World ; he exercifes Divine Power, and receives Divine Praife. Briefly, The humane Nature in our Redeemer is an aílòciate with the Divine ; and being made a little lower than the Angels for a time, Ephef. z 2,. is now advanced far aboveall Principalities and Powers. 2. In all thofe who are partakers of Grace and Glo- ry by the Lord Jelus. Adam was the Son of Godby Creation, but to be joyned toChriíf as our head, by a Gal. 2. 20. union fo intimate, that he lives in so, and counts him- Ephef. K. 23. felf incompleat without us, and by that union to be adopted into the line of Heaven, and thereby to have Scrvout fervo an intereft in the exceeding great and precious rom e 'ra:hil pores} $ i s ,% Bonari, of the Golpel 5 to be confl ituted Heirs ofGod, and co- heirs with Chrifl, are fuch difcoveries of the dignity of our fupernatural {late, that the loweff Believer is advanced above Adam in all his honour. Nay, the Angels though fuperiour to Man in the excellency of their nature, yet are accidentally lower by the honour of our alliance: Their King is our Brother. And this relative dignity which feems to eclipfe their Glory, might excite their envy ; but Inch an ingenuous good- nets ZtepAnttonpof tteZíbtne Zttrtbtzte0,