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inContriving an'g lantniptmon. 119 2. The excellency of the Evangelical Cóvenant Chap. X. above the Legal, is, in that fupernatural Afliftance mr which is conveyed by it to Believers, whereby they íhall be certainly vi&orious over all oppofition in their way to Heaven. °Tis true, Adana was endued with per- fed holinefs and freedom, but he might intangle him- felf in the flares 6f Sin and Death. The Grace of the Creator given to himwasalways prefent, but it de- pended on the natural ufe of his Faculties, without the interpofing any extraordinary operation of God's Spi- rit. The Principle of Holinefs was in himfelf, and 'twas fubje&ed to his Will: He had a power to obey if he would, but not that açlually determined his will, for then he had perfevered. But the Grace of the Re- deemer that flows fromChrift as our quickening Head, and is conveyed to all his Members, enclines the Will fo powerfully that 'tis made fubjeët to it. God works Phil, 2.;3. in us to will and to do of his goodpleafnre; The ufe of our Faculties, and the exercife of Grace, depends on the good pleafure of God, who is unchangeable, and the operations of the Spirit which are prevailing and effe&ual. And upon thefe two the ftability ofthe New Covenant is founded. z. On theLove of God, who is as unchangeable in his Will, as in his Nature. This Love is thecaufe of Elec`.tion, fromwhence there canbe no reparation. This Rom. 8.35. gives Chrift to Believers, and Believers to Him: Thine Ili 9' theywere, faith our Saviour, and thougave themme. ]ohn X9.6. Which words lignifie not the common tide God bath to all by Creation : for Men thus univerfally confider'd, compofe the world; and our Saviour diftinguifhes thofe that aregivenhim from the world; butthat fpecial Jol i 16. 19. right God hath in themby ele&ion. And all thofe are given by the Father to Chrift in their effe&ual Calling, (which is expreft by his drawing them to the son) and John 5 44. A a 2 are