Bates - BT775 B274 1675

1 sO e parmortpet Me Zibitie 2fttributtg, Chap. X. are committed to hiis care, to lead them througha courfe t V J of Obedience' to Glory. For them Chrift abfolutely John , q, prayes as Mediator, Father, I will that thole whom thou haft given me, be with me where I am, and fee my Glo- ry : And he is alwaies heard in his requeffs. 'Tis from hence that the Apoftle challenges all Crea- tures in Heaven and Earth, with that full and ftrong perfuafion, that nothing could feparate between Be- R0m 8' 38' lievers, and their Happinefs. For I amperfuaded that neither Death nor Life, nor Angels, nor Principalities nor Powers, nor things prefent nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature fhall be able to feparate itsfrom the Love ofGod in'Chrifl Jefuo our Lord. His affurance is not built on the fpecial Pre- rogatives he had as an Apoftle, not on his rapture to Paradife, nor Revelations, nor the Apparition of An- gels, for of thefe he makes no mention; but on that which is common to all Believers, the Love of God declar'd in the Word, and fhed abroad in their hearts. And 'tis obfervable thatthe Apofile having fpoken inhis own perfon, changes the number, I amperfiaded that nothingfhallfeparate its, to affociatewithhimfelfin the partaking of that blefled Priviledg, all true Believers, who have an intereft in the fame Love of God, the fame Promifes ofSalvation, and had felt the fanClify ingwork of the Spirit, the certain proof of their E- lection. For how is it poffible that God should retract` his merciful purpofe to fave his People ? He that chofe them fromEternity before they could knowHim, and from pure Love (there being nothing in the Creature to induce Him) gave his Son to fuffer Death for them, will He ftop there, without bet}owing that Grace which may render it effectual ? What can change his Affeaions ? He that prevented them in his mercy, when theywere in their pollutions, will He leave therm after