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in C®ntríbíng etn'_t1 tiraemptian. t8 i after his Image is engraven upon them ? He that lov- Chap. X. ed them fo as to unite them to Chrift when they were ftrangers, will He hate them when they are his Mem- bers ? No : His loving kindnefs is everlafling, and the Covenant that is built on it, is more firm than the Pil- Ter. 3r. tars of Heaven, and the Foundations of the Earth. This fupported David in his dying hours, that Gad 2 Sam, 23.5. hadmade with him an everlafxring Covenant, ordered in all things and fare, for that was all his salvation. a. The New Covenant is fecur'd by the efficacy of Divine and Supernatural Grace. This is the Covenant Heb. co, that Iwill make with thehorde ofIfrael, faith the Lord, I will put my Laws into their minds, and write them in their hearts, and Iwill be to them a God, and they Jhall be to me a People. The Eleïf are enabled to per- form the conditions of the Goffiel, to which Eternal Life is promifed. Our Redeemer blefes us in turning A. 26, us from our Iniquities. And although the inflability of the humane Spirit, by reafon of remanent Corrup- tions, and thofe various Temptations to which we are liable, may excite our fear left we fhould fall thort of the high prize of our Calling, yet the Grace ofthe Gofpel fecures true Believers againft both. r. Whilft we are in the prefent [late, our Corrupti- ons are not perfeftly healed, but there are force remains, . which like a Gangrene threaten to feize on the vital parts, wherein the fpiritual Life is feated. But the divine Nature which is conveyed to all that aref fiiri- tually defcended from Chrift, is alive and powerful to refift all carnal defies, and will prevail in theend. For if fin in its full vigor could not controul the effica- cyof converting Grace, how can the reliques ofit, af- ter Grace bath taken poffefiion, be flrong enough to fpoil it ofits conqueft ? There is a greater diflance front Death toLife, than fromLife to Anion. That Om- nipotent,