182 t pannonpof aje Zibine tttí utc , Chap. x mpotent Grace that vifited us in the Grave, and re j.-v-' ffored life to the dead, can much more perpetuate it in the living. That which was fo powerful as to pluck the heart offlone out ofthe Breaf}, can preferve the Heart of Flefh. 'Tis true, the Grace that is given to Believers, in its own nature is a perifhing quality, as that which was bellowed on Adam. Not only the flight fuperficial tinicure in hypocrites will wear off; but that deep im- preflìon offanCifying Grace in true Believers, if it be not renewed, would loon be defaced. But God hath F. ec.36. 2s, promifed toput his Spirit into their hearts, and to caufe them to walk in his Statutes, and they fhall keep his Commandments. He is a living reigning Principle in them, towhich all their faculties are fubordinate. The Spirit infufed Grace at firfl, and enlivens it daily : he confirms their Faith, inflames their Love, encourages their Obedience, and refrefhes in their minds the idea's of that glory which is invifible and future. In fhort, his influence cherifhes the bleflèd beginnings of the fpiritual Life. So that Gncere Grace though weak in its degree, yet 'tis in a flare of progrefs, till it come to perfe6 ion. The Waters of the Spirit have a clean- fing vertue upon Believers, till every fpot be taken a- way, and their purified Souls afcend toHeaven. 2. The Grace of the Spirit (hall make trueChrifci- ans finally viêorious over Temptations to which they may be expofed. And thole are various : Some are pleafant and infinuating, others are fharp and furious, and are managedby the Devil our fubtile and indufiri- ous Enemy, to undermine, or by open battery to o- verthrow us. And howdifficult is it for the Soul whiff} united toFlefh, to refill thecharms of what is amiable, or to endure the affaults ofwhat is terrible to feule ? But the renewed Chrifìian hathno reafon to be,afright- ed