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in Cßiltrtblátg !f `an'Stinfmptißit. ¡83 ed with difduieting fears, that any finful temptation Chap. X. may come, which notwithftanding his watchfitlnefs, may overcome him irrecoverably. For, T. Temptations are External, and have no power over our fpirits but what we give them. A voluntary refiftance fecures the victory to us. And the Apoftle tells us, Greater is he that is in Believers, than he that r Toh. 4.4 is in the world. God is ftronger not only in himfelf, but as working in us, by the-vigorous affiftance of his Grace tocodflrm us, than the Devil affifted with all the delights and terrours of the world, and taking advan- tageof that remaining concupifcence which is not intire- ly extinguifhed, is, to corrupt and deftroy us. 2. All Temptations in their degrees and continu- ance, are orderedby Gods Providence. He is the pre- fident of the combat : none enters into the lifts but by hiscall: in all Ages the Promife (hall be verified, God will not fuffer his People to be tempted above what they r Con ro, ri. are able. 2'hey fliall come of more than Conrluerours, R°m' $- 37° through Chrifl that loves them. And as St. Aminob- Major quippe ferves ; more powerful Grace is necefiàry to fortifie libertas eat ne° Chriftians, in the midit of all oppofition, than Adam Cusaria az:p at fief} received. This is viable in the glorious iffue tas tentatio. of the Martyrs, Who loved not their Lives unto the Par<dtfa, Death: For Adamwhenno perfon threatned him, nay fuit Bono pez. againft the prohibition of God, abuting his Liberty, meueiWrathy did not abide in his Happinefs, when 'twas mots eafie mats, t't euth, to him to avoid Sin. But the martyrs remain'd firm omnibus s ter - in the Faith, not only under Terrors, Torments. but rororirib5us er- us, And which is themore admirable, in that Adam:faw the vincatus umisr . Happinefs prefent, which he fhould forfeit by his Difo- dus'. bedience, and the .Martyrs believed only the Mitre Glory they were to receive. This proceeded only from God who was fo merciful, as to make them. faithful- Briefly, Unlefs there were a power above the .Divine, tl?-