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, s 4. 1:Dt parmony of tOt Ittribntc5; Chap. X. the Eleît are fecured fromfinal Apoftafie. Our Saviou r tells us thathis Eather is greater thanall, andnone is able to pluckthem out of his hand. His Invariable Will and Almighty Power prevents their perifhing. Indeed if it were only by the flrength of Natural Reafon, or Cou- rage, that weare toovercome Temptations, forcemight be fo violent as to make the ftrongeft to faint and fall away : But if the Divine Power be the Principle that fupports us, it will make the weakeft vi&orious. For the. Grace ofGod makes us fhrong, and is not made weak by us. From hencewe may fully difcover the advantage we have by the Gofpel, above the terms of the natural Covenant. Reftoring Mercy bath better'd our Con- dition : We have loft the integrity of thefarß, and got the perfeCion of the fecund Adam : Our Salvation is put into a ftronger and fafer hand. rgive, faith our ßòh. ro: Redeemer, unto my (beep eternal Life, and they'hallne- verperifb, neither fall any pluck them out of my hand. That is an inviolable Sanctuary, from whence no Be- liever canbe taken. Chrift is our Friend, not only to theAltar, but now in the Throne : Our Reconciliation Rom. 5.1o. is afcribed to his Death, our Confervation to his Life. He that was created in a Rate of Nature could finand Job, s,9. die, but He that is born ofGod can't fin unto death : the new birth is unto Eternal Life. In fhort, As the Mercy of God is glorified in the whole workof our Salvation, fo efpecially in the fitft and Taft Grace it confers upon us. In Vocation that prevents us, and Perfeverance that crowns us: according to the double change made in our Bate, tranflating us from Darknefs toLight, and from the imperfet Light ofGrace, to the full Light of Glory. I have more particularly difcours'd of this Advan- tage by theNewCovenant,in regard the Glory ofGod, and