tti Cont íbátig Cpettfg Elttoription. ciple of an Heavenly and Glorious life to all that are Chap. X. united to him. l.-1`` -° III.The felicityofHeaven exceedsthe firft,in theman- ner and degreesofthe fruition,and thecontinuanceofit. r. The VíGon of God in Heaven is immediate. Adamwas a fpe&ator ofGod's Works, and his under- ftanding being full ofLight,he clearly difcover'd theDi- vine Attributes in their effe&s. The ftroaks of the Creators Hand are engraven in all the parts of the Uni- verfe. TheHeavens, and Earth, and all things in them, areevident teftimonies of the excellency of their Au- thor. The invifble things ofGod from the Creation ofRom i, zo. the World are clearly feen. And the knowledge that fhined in his foul, produced a tranfcendent efleem of the Deity, in whom Wifdom andPower are united in their fupreme degree, and a fiiperlative love and de- light in him for his goodnefs. Yet his fight of God was but through a Glafs, an eclipfing medium. For in- feriour beings are fo imperf&, that they can give but a weak refemblance of his infinite perfe&ions. But the fight ofGod in Heaven, is called, the leing of him as i j'o!r 3. a- he is, and lignifies the molt clear and compleat know- ledge, which the rational Soul when purified and rail- ed to its mot{ perfe& fine can receive; and out Chines all the difcoveries of God in the lower World. Adam had a vilblecopyofhis invilble beauty, but theSaints in Heaven fee the glorious Original. He faw God, in the reffe&ionof the Creature, but the Saints are under the dire& beams of Glory, and fie him f ace to f ace. I cos. z ;. B All the Attributes appear in their full and brighteft luftre to them. Wifdom, Love, Holinels, Power, are manifefted in their exaltation. And theglorified Soul, to qualify it for convene with God in this intim=ate manner, bath a more excellent conftitution thanwas givento it in the Creation, Anew edge is put upon the fa.cul ti.- 1g9