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90 Viepttrmonyof tte Mine2ifFríbuto, Chap. X. faculties whereby they are fitted for thofe obje&s which - y are peculiar to Heaven. The intelle&nál eye is fortified for the immediate intuitionof God. Adam in Paradife wasabfent from theLord,in comparifon oftheSaints who encompaCs his Throne,and are in the pretence ofhisGlory. Befides, 'Tis thepeculiar excellency of the Heavenly Life, that the Saints every moment enjoy it without any allay, in the higheft degree of its Perfe&ion. The life ofAdam was always in a circle of low and mean fun- &ions of the Animal Nature, which being common to himand Beams, the a&s of it are not ftri&ly Humane. But the spiritual Life in Heaven is entirely freed from thole f rvile neceíhties, and is (pent in the eternal performance of the molt noble affions of which the in- telligent Nature is capable. The Saints do always con- template, admire, love, enjoy, and praife their ever- fatting Benefa&or. God is to them all in all. In fhort, That which prefers the Glory of Heaven infinitely before the firfl ítate of Man, is the continu- ance of it for ever : 'Tis anunwithering and never-fa- ding Glory. Adam was liable to Temptations, and capable of Change, he fell in the Garden of Eden, and was fentenc'd to die. But Heaven is the San&uary of Life and Immortality ; 'tis inacceffible toany evil. The serpent that corrupted Paradife with its Poifon, can't enter there. As there is no feed of Corruption within, fono caufeof it without. Our Redeemer offer'd Him- felf by the Eternal spirit, and purchafed an eternal In- heritance for his People. Their Felicity is full and perpetual, without encreafe, for in theftrfl moment'tis perfè& and íhall continue without declination. The Day of Judgment is called the Lafl Day : For Daies, and Weeks, and Months, and Years, the Revolutions which nowmeafurp Time,íhall then be (wallowedup in ,s Thel.4. an unchangeable Eternity. The Saints¡hall befor ever with