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fnCantaíng an'stiMemptíQn, 19 with the Lord. And in all thefe refpe&s, the Glory ofChap. X1 the Redeemed, as fir exceeds the Felicity of Man in Creation, as Heaven, the bright Seat ofít, is above the fading beautyof the terreflrial Paradife. CHAP. XI. Fra5lical inferences. Redeeming Love deferves our higheft Admiration, and humble Acknowledgments. The illuflrationofit by feveral Confderations. God is infinitely amiable in Himfelf, yethis Love is tram (lent to the Creature. 'Tis admirable in Creatingand Preferving Man, more in Redeeming him and by the Death of his Son. The difcovery of God's Love in our Redemption is thefirongefl perfuafve to Repen- tance. The Law is ineffeílual to produce real Repen- tance. The common benefits ofProvidenceare infuffici- cent to cauf Faith and Repentance in theguilty Crea- ture. The clear difcovery ofpardoning Mercy in the Gofpel can only remove our Fears, and induce us to return to God. The tranfcendent Love ofGod fhould kindle in us a reciprocal Love to Him. His Excel- lencies and ordinary Bounty to Mankind cannot pre- vailupon us to love Him. His Love tous in Chriflr only conquers our Hatred. Our Love to Himmutt be fincere and fuperlative. The defpiling ofsaving Mer- cy is the highefl Provocation. It makes the Condem- nation ofMenmoil jufl, certain, and heavy. .. His RedeemingLove defervesour higheft Ad- miration, and moll humble acknowledgments. If we confider God aright, it may raife our wonder, that He is pleafed to beftow kindnefs uponany created being. For in Him is all that is excellent and amiable, and