Bates - BT775 B274 1675

I 94 vie pannottv of tfjeZibine %tttíbuteo, Cha-- X refleh upon that condefcending Love, that provides .v' the Bread ofGod for the food ofour Souls, without whichwe had perifht for want. David in that divine thankfgiving recorded in the Scripture refle&s upon . his own meannefs, and from that magnifies the favour z Sam,7. is of God towards him. Who am I, O Lord God ? and what is my houfe, that thou hall brought me hitherto ? and this was yet a (mall thing in thy fight, 0 Lord God, but thou haft Jjoken of thy Servants houfe, for a great while to come, and is this the manner ofMan, O Lord God ? tf fuehhumble and thankful acknowledg- ments were due for theScepter of zfrael, what is for the Crown ofHeaven? and that procuredfor us by the fufferings of the Son of God ? Briefly, Goodnefs the foundation of Glory, therefore the moft folemn and affectionate Praife is to be rendered for tranfcen- dent Goodneß. The confent of Heaven and Earth, is 5 Rev. 5. 13. in aferibing blefng, and honour, and glory to him that fits on the throne,, and the Lambfer ever. 2. The Love ofGod difcovered inour Redempti- on, is the molt powerful perfuafive to Repentance. For the difcovery of this we mutt confider, that real Repentance is the confequent ofFaith, and always in . proportion to it. Therefore, the Law which reprea Tents to us the Diviar.ilurity and Juftice, without any allay of Mercy, can never work true Repentance in a Sinner. When Confcience is under the firongconvifi -. onof guilt, and ofGods Jufiice as implacable, it caul- es a dreadful flight from him, and a wretchlefs negleó of means. Defpair hardens. The brighteft difcoveries of God in Nature are not warm enough to melt the frozen heart into the current of repentance. 'Tis true,, theviubleframeof the World,and thecontinual benefits of Providence, inftruer Men in tholeprime Truths, the Being and BountyofGod to thofe that ferve Him, and invite