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ftt Cottírfbftt,y titf#33eaemptiotr; 195 invite them to their Duty. God never left himfelfwith- Chap. XI. out awitnefs in any age: His Goodnefs is defigned To Thr \.J lead men to Repentance. And the Apoffle aggravates 10.4. 17 the obllinacy of Men, that render'd that method en- tirely fruitlefs. But the Declaration of Gods Good- nefs in the Gofel is infinitely moreclear and powerful, than the filent revelation by the works of Creation and Providence. For although the Patience and general Goodnefs of God offered force intimations that he is placable, yet not a fufficient fupport for a guilty and jealous Creature to rely on. The natural notion of Gods Juftice is fo deeply rooted in the Humane Soul, that till He is pleafed to proclaim an Aa ofGrace and Pardon, on the conditions of Faith and Repentance, 'tis hardly poffible that convinced Sinners (hould ap- prehend Him otherwife than an Enemy; and that all the common Benefits they enjoy, are but Provifions allowed in the interval between theSentence pronounc'd by the Law, and the Execution of it at Death. There- fore God to overcome our fears, and tomelt us into a compliance, hath given in the Scripture the high'eft aflurance of his willingnefs to receive all relenting and returningSinners. He interpoles the molt folemn Oath to remove our fulpicions. As I live, faith the Lord, Ezek.33. Idelight not in the death ofthe wicked, but that the wicked turn front his way and live. And have I any Ezek.c8.x3. pleafure at all that the wicked fhould die? faith the LordGod: And not that hefhauld return fromhis ways and live? The majefty and ardency ofthe Exprefrions teftifie the truth and vehemency of his delire, fo far as the Excellency of his Nature is capable to feel our Affe&ions. And the Reafon of it is clear; for the Convention of a Sinner implies a thorough change in the Will and Affe&ions from Sin to Grace, and that is infinitely pleating to Gods Holinefs, and the giving C c 2 Of