Bates - BT775 B274 1675

2CO atmonp Mc 31bÍ? Zttt tut , Chap. xi. feesof the travail of his Soul) without the molt paf= ,,,,-V- fionate fenfibility ? Can we fee him contemn'd by im- pure worms, abus'd in his facred offices, foitefully re- prefented as a mock King, buffeted ana.. flouted as a mock Prophet, his Sacred Face defiled with loath- forne (-piffle, his back torn with fharp Scourges, and all endured with a vi&orious patience can we behold this with an unconcerned Eye, without the mournings of holy Love ? Can we accompany him in the dolorous way, and fee him fainting and finking under his heavy Crois, and not feel his fufferings? Can we afcend to mount Calvary, and lookon him hanging on the infa- mous Tree, in the midft of Thieves, fufferings the ut- moft fury of malicious enemies, and not be Crucified with him? Can we hear the aftonifhing complaint of hisdeferted Soul to the Judge of all the world doing extreme right on him as our Surety, and not be over- come with griefand Love ? Shall not thewarm Streams fadly running from his wounded head and hands and feet melt our congeal'd affe&ions ? His pierced fide difcovers his heart, the vital Fountain open'd to wafh away our guilt, and flail our hearts he untoucht ? His bloody undeferved death the precious ranfom of our Souls makes him our life, and (hall it not render him full of lovelinefs to our inflamed thoughts ? He is more amiable on the Crois, than in the Throne : For there we fee the cleareft Teftimony, and the molt Glorious Triumph of his Love. There he endured the Anger tuid violen- of Heaven, and the (corn of the Earth. There we tiustnumphat might fee Joy fadned, Faith fearing, Salvation fuffer- ele Deo ? Vi- deas inChriao ing, and Life dying. Blefied Redeemer, what couldft lztari triai- thou have done or fuffered more, to quickenour dead fidem; Calu Powers, and inflame our cold Hearts toward thee? tern pad, vi- How can we remember thy bleeding dying Love UMmon. without