it Contrilotrgá An't cbentptio t> without an Ecftafieofaffection ? If we are not more in--dialT.-X-1. fentble than the Rocks, 'tis impofiìble but we mutt be, toucht and foftened by it. Suppofe an Angel by fpecial delegation had been enabled to have trod Satan under our feet, our obliga- tions to him had been inexpreffible, and our love might have been intercepted from afcending to our Creator. For Salvation is a greater benefit, than the meer giv- ing to us our natural being. As the privation of fe- licity with the actual mifery that is joyned with it, is infinitely worfe than the negation ofbeing. Our Lord pronounced concerning Judas; It had been good for Mat, 26, 24. that Man that he had never been born. Redeeming GoodneCs exceeds creating. Now the Son ofGod to procure our highest Love, alone wrought Salvation for us. Andwhat admirableGoodnefs is it, that puts a value upon our affection, and accepts fuch a fmall return! Our mots intenfe and ardent love bears no more pro- portion to his, than a (park to the Element of Fire. Betides, His Love to us was pure, and without any benefit to himfelf; but ours to him is profitable to our Souls, for their eternal advantage. Yet with this He is fully fatisfied 5 when we love Him in the qua- lity of a Saviour, we give Him the Glory ofthat he defigns moft to be Glorified in, that is, of his Mer- cy to the miferable. For this reafon he instituted the Sacrament of the Supper, the contrivance ofhis Love, to refresh the memory ofhis Death, and quicken our fainting love to him. Now the Love that our Savi- our requires mull be I. Sincere and Unfeigned. This declares it feif by a care to pleafe Him in all things. Ifa Man love me, faith our Saviour , he will keep my Commandments. Obedience is the moll natural andneceflaryproduft of D d Love.