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r,777-", 202 é plummyof tI)t Zibine 1ttributt , Chap xi Love. For Love is the fpríng of A&ion, and employs V--) all the faculties in the fervice of the perfon loved. The Apofíle expreffes the force of it by an emphatical 4 0°`' 5' Word, The Love ofChrifi Conflrains to: it fignifies to Q`tixE. have one bound, and fo much under power that he cannot move without leave. As the infpired Prophets were carried by the Spirit, and intirely a&ed by his Aa. t8 5. motions. Such an abfolute Empire had the Love of Chrifi over him, ruling all the inclinations of his Heart, and a&ions of his Life. 'Tis this alone makes Obe- dience chearful, and confiant. For Love is feated in the Will, and theObedience that proceeds from it, is 3aß s 3. out of choice and purely voluntary. No Command- ment is grievotra that is performed from Love. And it makes Obedience confiant: that which is forced from the impreflion offear is unfieadfafi 5 but what is mixt with delight is falling. 2. Our Love to. Chrifi muff be fupreme, exceeding that which is given to all inferiour Object. Themoft elevated and entire Affe&ion is due to Him who laves us from Torments that are extreme and eternal, and beftows upon us an Inheritance immortal and undefiled. By the offering of himfelf to divine jùfiice he has ob- liged us toprefent our bodies a living sacrifice to God, which is our reafonable Service. Life it felf and all the endearments of ir, Relations, Efiates are to be difvalu- ed, when fet incomparifon with Him. Nay if(by an impoffible fuppofition) they could be feparated, our Saviour fhould be more dear to us than Salvation. For He declared greater Love in giving Himfeiffor our Ranfom, than in giving Heaven to be our Reward.. When we love Him in the highefi degree we are ca- pable of; we have reafon to mournfor the imperfé&ion. ofit. In íhort, ASuperlative Love as 'tis due to our tde>10a39. Redeemer, fo 'tis only accepted by Him. He that lov- etf