201 jeparmanp Of t o tDtbírte íírí utc , Chap. XI. Who can believe it? But alas Examples are numerous and ordinary : The molt by a Folly as prodigious as their Ingratitude, prefer their Sins before their Savi- our, and love that which is the only juff obje& of Hatred, and hate Himwho is the moft worthy obje& of Love. 'Tis a molt affonifhing confideration, that Love fhould perfuade Chrift to die for Men, and that they fhould trample upon his Blood, and choofe rather to die by themfelves, than to live by Him. That God fhould be fo eafie to forgive, and Man fo hard to be forgiven. This is a Sin of that tranfcendent height, that all the abominations of sodom and Gomorrah, are not equal to it. This exafperates Mercy, that dear and tender Attribute ; the only Advocate in God's Bofom for us : This makes the judge irreconcileable. The re je&ingof life upon the gracious terms of the Gofpel, . makes the condemnation of Men "moff juft, certain, and heavy. J. Moft juif: for when Chrift hath performedwhat was neceffary for the expiation of fin, andhath opened the Throne of Grace, which was before fhutagainft us, and by this Godbath declared how willinghe is to fave Sinners ; if they are wilful to be damned, and fru- ffrate the bleffed methods of Grace, 'tis molt equal, they fhould inherit their own choice : They judge them-' feIves unworthy ofEternal Life. Confcience will ju- ffifie the fevereft doom againfi them. 2. It makes their condemnation certain, and final. TheSentence of theLaw is revertible by an appeal to anHigher Court; but that of the Gofpel againft the refuters of Mercy will remain in its full force for ever. S. He that believes not, is candemn'd already. 'Tis tome confolation to a Malefa&or, that the Sentence is not pronouncedagainff him : but an unbeliever hath no re- fpite. The Gofpel allures the lincere Believer, that he