ítt Cotttt'íbínq 53iait' Eninptíott. 20c: pall not enter into Condemnation, to prevent his fears Chap Xt. ofan after fentence 5 but it denounces a prevent doom, againft thofe who rejedl it. The Wrath of God abides on them. .Obftinate infidelity lets beyond all poffibili- ty of Pardon: there is no sacrifice for that sin. Sal- vation it Pelf cannot fave the impenitent Infidel : For he excludes the only means whereby Mercy is convey- ed. How defperate then is the cafe of filch a Sinner ? Towhat San&uary will he fly ? All the other Attributes condemn him, Holinefs excites Jufrice, and Juftice awa- kens Power for his defirudrion ; and ifMercy interpofe not between him and ruin, he mull perifh irrecovera- bly. Whoever loves not the Lord Chrifi, is Anathema 'ILlaranatha; He is under an irrevocable Curfe, which theRedeemer will confirm at his coming. 3. Wilful negle& of Redeeming Mercy aggravates the Sentence, and brings an extraordinary damnation upon Sinners. Betides the doom of the Law which continues in its vigour againft tran.fgreffors, theGofpel Adds a more heavy one againft the impenitent, becaufe Joh 3.12. he believes not in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Infidelity is an outrage not to a Man or an Angel, but to theEternal Son. For the Redemption of Souls is reckoned as a part of his reward, He (hall fee of the TO. 53, travel of his foul and be fatifed. Thole therefore who fpurn at Salvation, deny him the honour of his fufferings : and are guilty of the defiance of his Love, of the contempt of his Clemency, of the provocation . of the molt fenfible and leyere Attribute when 'tis in cenfed. This is to fl'rike him at the Heart, and to kick againft his Bowels. This mum-cafes the anguifh of his fuflérings, and imbitters the Cup of his Paflion.. This renews his Sorrows, and makes his Wounds bleed. afreth. Dreadful impiety ! that exceeds the guilt of the jerves; they once kill'd Him being in his humble:: inglorious-