2'O i Chap. ÁI 6 vm-.) ïtdenuoma- lus,recuperata præde fna, ad- varus Domi. num p,aucíear. Z'ertrit.de Pcen, John ;. t.g. ticp¡wimpof Mc Zfigne tt tbutez, inglorious {late, but this is a daily Crucifying him now Glorified. , Ingrateful wretches !. that refute to bring Glory to their Redeemer, and bleffednefs to them= felves: that rather chute that the acculer fhould tri- umph in their mifery, than their Saviour rejoyce in their felicity. This is the great condemnation, that Chris came into the World to fave Men from Death, and they refute the Pardon. 'Tis an aggravation of finabove what the Devils are capable of; for Pardon was never offered to thofe rebellious fpirits. In {port, fo deadly a malignity there is in it, that it poyfons the Gofpel it fell', and turns the fweeteft Mercy into the fore(l Judgment: The Sun of Righteoufnefs who is a reviving light to the penitent Believer is a confuming Fire to the obdurate. How much more tolerable had been the condition of fuch Sinners, if faving Grace had never appeared unto Men, or they had never heard of it ? for the Degrees of Wrath {hall be in proportion to the riches of negle&ed goodnefs. The refufngLife from Chri{l, makes us guilty ofhis Death. And when he (hall come in his Glory, and be vifble to all that pierced Him, what Vengeance will be the portion of thofe whodelpifed the Majelly of his Per- fon, the myflery of his Compafíions and Sufferings ? Thofe that lived and dyed in the darknefs of Heathe- nifm, 4{hall have a cooler Climate in Hell, than thofe who negleer the great Salvation. CHAP.