Bates - BT775 B274 1675

2 12 eZatinony atticZiigne litttíbttt , Cha III. infinitely hateful Sin is tohim, the dignity of theLaw LI" tir- is maintained, and Sin is molt efFeCtually difcouraged. There is the fame terror, though not the fame rigor, as if all mankind had been finally condemned. Thus it appearshow becoming God it was, to accomplifhour Salvation in fuch amanner,that Juftice and Mercy are re- vealed in their molt noble and eminent efeecs and ope- rations. 2. The reality of the fatisfaétion made to Divine Juftice is next to be proved. This is the center, and heart of the Chriftian Religion, from whence all vital and comforting influences are derived : and for the opening of it, I will firft confider the requifites in order to it: which are r. The Appointment ofGod, whofe Power and Will are tobe confidered in this tranfaftion. r. HisPower : for 'tis an aft of fi:premacy toadmit that the fìfi'erings of another fhould be effefual to re- deem the offender. God doth not in this affair fuftain the Perf®n of a Judge, that is the Minifter of the Law, and cannot free the guilty by transferring the punifh- ment on another; but is to be confidered as Gover- nour, whomay by pure Jurifdierion difpenfe in the ex- ecution of the Law, upon thofe confiderations which fully amfiver the ends of Government. TheLaw is not executed according to theLetter ofit, for then no firmer can bePaved : but repentingBelievers are free from condemnation. Nor is it abrogated, for then no obligation remains as to the duty, or penalty of it : but Men are ftill bound to obey it, and impeni- tent Infidels are ftill under the Curie : The WrathofGod abides upon therm; But 'tis relaxt as to the punfhment, by themerciful condefcenfionof the Law-giver. Some Laws are not capable of relaxation in their own nature : becaufe there is included moral iniquity in