2 P 4 57.3efArtttaq tbc ZibineAtt tbutc , Chap.Xll. loved Son in whom I am well pleafed. God anointed /ThrN,..) himwith the Holy-Ghofl, and with Power, which figni- hft 10 38. fies as the enduing ofHim with theGraces of the Spi- rit, fo the inverting Him in the dignity of Mediator, as Kings, Priefls and Prophets were. And both were ne- ceflàry : for his Graces without his Office are unprofi- table to us, and His Office without His capacity, ofno advantage. In thort, the Apoftle obferves this as the peculiar excellency of the New Covenant, and the foun- dation of our hopes, that the Mediatour was conffitu- Heb. 'y, zi. ted by a folemn Oath, The Lord hath [worn, and will not repent, thou art a Priefl for ever after the order of 11,lelchifdec. 2. The Confent ofour Redeemer wasneceflary, that he might by Sufferings fatisfie for us. For being the Lord from Heaven, there was no Superiour Authority to command, or Power to compel him. 'Tis true, ha- ving become our Surety, .'twas neceifary He thould be accountable to theLaw : But the firft undertaking was molt free. When one bath entered into Bonds to pay the Debt of an infolvent perfon., he muff give fatisfadi- on ; but 'tis an a& of liberty and choice to make him- IA. 24.46. felt liable. Our Saviour tells us, It behoved ehrifl to fuffer he dothnot fay that the Sonof God fhould fuf- fer, but that Chrift. This Title lignifies the fame Per- fon in fubftance, but not in the fame refpeéf and confi- deration. Chrift is the second Perfon cloathed with our Nature. There was no neceffity that obliged God toappoint his Son, or the Son to accept the Office of Mediator; But whemthe Eternal Son had undertook that charge, and was made Chrift, that is, affumed our Na- ture in order to redeemus, 'twas neceffary that He fhould fuffer. Betides, His Confent was necefary upon another ac- count. For the Satisfaaion doth not arife meerly from the