Bates - BT775 B274 1675

216 %%tmmmy atetibutfs* Chap XII. commanc^ received o f my Father. In his Death, O- bedience and Sacrifice were united. The Typical Sacrifices were led to the Altar, but the Lamb of God Tick'll' prefente-d Himfelf: ’t»s faid, He gave him felf for us, to Ggnifie his willingnefs in dying. Now the Freenefs of our Redeemer in dying for us, qualified his Sufferings to be meritorious. The Jpofile tells us, that R o m . $•19- By the obedience o fone many are made righteous:that is, By his voluntary Sufferings we are juftified: for without his Confent, his Death could not have the relpeCt of a punilhment for our Sins. No Man can be compelled to pay anothers Debt, unlefs he make himfelf Surety for it. Briefly, The Appointment ofGod, and the Undertaking of Chrift, to redeem us from the Curfe of the Law by his differing it, are the Foundation of the New-Tejlament. 3- He that interpos’d as Mediator muff be perfectly Holy, otherwife he had been liable to Juftice for his own Sin. And guilty Blood is impure and corrupt, apter to (lain by its effufion and fprinkling, than to i Joh, 3.5. purge away Sin. The Apoftle joins thefe two as inseparable, He appeared to take away Sin, and in him is nofin. The Priefihood under the Law was imperfect $ as for other reafons, fo for the fins ofthe Priefts. Aaron the firfi and chief of the Levitical Order, was guilty of grofs Idolatry, fo that Reconciliation could not be obtained by theirMiniftry:For how canone Captive ranfom another, or Sin expiate Sin| But our Mediator was abfolutely innocent, without the leaft tinCtureofS\x\ original, or actual. He wasconceived in a miraculous manner, infinitely diftant from all the impurities of the earth. That which is produced in an ordinary way receives its propriety from fecond Caufes, and contracts the defilement that cleaves to the whole fiecies :Whatever is born o fblood, and the will